Spiritual Guide (translation)

Do you know who your Spiritual Guide is? Have you met him?

In my opinion is far more complicated than it seems to define what is a Spiritual Guide. In fact there are several possibilities and the answer is usually distinct for each of us. Above all, I think, it has to do with our beliefs and our way to see the world.
Literally speaking, the Spiritual Guide is that who helps human beings in their spiritual evolution. But who is that guide?
The answers can be many…

spiritual guideA Spiritual Guide can be a figure or even a set of ideas. For example, the Bible, where christian ideas are exposed, can be seen as a Spiritual Guide. And as the Bible, we can talk about any other text whether religious or philosophical.
As for “figures”, as mentioned, these can be earthly figures or not. And if it is easy to identify the first ones, the other are not so easy.
Starting with the first ones, each religion or philosophical movement has their own. Priests, the Pope, Rabbis, Gurus, the Dalai-Lama and so many others we all know. Going farther, the historical figures, as Christ or Buddha. And we don´t even need to believe that Christ has really been born from the Holy Spirit to accept his message!
In what concerns to other Spiritual Guides, the ones from the spiritual world, it is not that simple. Much is said about it, but the truth is that there still is no concrete and irrefutable evidence of their existence. So, this is always depending on each one’s personal beliefs.
Between these spiritual world Guides we can consider at least four – deceased who have interacted with us life (family, friends, acquaintances), spirits with no direct connection with us, superior spirits (angels and other enlightened beings) and ourselves!

What do you mean, ourselves?
Well, as spiritual beings we partially are we have a spiritual apprehension of life, different from the one we usually have with reason or with our five senses. Maybe it’s a part of our subconscious, maybe our intuition, but something very different. And it’s there. It’s born with us: the part of us that makes us question our existence, the origin of things, the reason for them to exist.

spirit guideOk, but how can we be our own spiritual guides?
And who else could it be? Unless we are extremely influenced by others, in the end it’s always us. The Bible or the Koran have the exact same other for me or for you, but each of us is going to make his own interpretation, right? The same happens two people hearing the same sermon.
The one who assimilates, processes and interiorises the information is us, no matter where the knowledge comes from. And the result can always be distinct, as for each ones grade of evolution and personal characteristics. So we can have as many guides as we want; by the end the supreme guide is always going to be ourselves.

So, do you want to know your Spiritual Guide?

(english translation of my earlier post)

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